order from left to right, top to bottom) 1.
I did this in my art class in 2001-2002. We had to draw something tall
so I drew this. The real thing is much taller, but I couldn't fit it all
in my scanner. 2.
Goku Super Saiyan
I drew this for fun to magnify another picture I had on this tiny little
card. It turned out pretty well. I drew another one like it except it
was in color and his other arm was raised, too. Unfortunately that one
got lost... 3.
Goku Super Saiyan3
This is one of my best drawings, of Super Saiyan 3 Goku. It didn't turn
out as well as I planned, mainly because I did it on the bus. 4.
Goku Super Saiyan
This is a really good one that I drew!!! That's all I have to say. 5.
Trio (Mirai Trunks, Kid Buu, GOTENKS)
I drew this for the cover of a bio I had to make in Elementary School. 6.
I drew this sometime during my spare time in art class. It was before
the Buu saga even started where I lived, so I had to base what I drew on
one of the games I had on my computer. 7.
Goku Super Saiyan 4
I HATE THIS ONE!!! It stinks!!! His fists are all wrong... his body are
different shades of red because my pencil kept getting lost and
broken...his eyes are too big...his eyebrows don't make his smirk seem
right...it's just horrible!!! >_<